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Anti static trays Deutschland

If you have ever disassembled a device and you open a device such as a toy or a phone, you might have seen that within a device, there are plenty of small parts. These components play a vital role in ensuring that the device functions as intended. But these tiny bits can be easily injured by something known as static electricity.  Static electricity can destroy these microscopic parts, causing your gadget to fail. Anti-static trays are critical for preserving these components. These LEENOL ESD-Schaumstoffschale can assist you in storing and transferring electronic parts without damaging them.

Avoid damage to delicate components with anti static trays

Super thin chips and wires, prone to ESD damage Handling or moving these parts carelessly can lead to something known as electrostatic discharge (ESD). LEENOL ESD causes damage to these delicate electronic components and may lead to their failure. Anti-static trays are specially designed to prevent electronic parts from such damage. And also these ESD-Fach can help you avoid all the issues caused by ESD, thus ensuring your gadgets remain safe and function for long.

Why choose LEENOL Anti static trays?

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